The Paper Cup Project is an amazing charity that works to help those who need it most. Liverpool is a brilliant city, but due to the cost of living crisis and many other factors, people are struggling and us scousers feel the need to help. We’re all in this together and we should look after each other. The charity was formed by Michelle Langan who created The Paper Cup Project to help those living on the streets. People who are struggling themselves volunteer to provide food, drinks and other amenities to people who are living without. A simple blanket/sleeping bag or a warm bowl of homemade soup to someone struggling to get by can make a huge difference even if just for a moment. It’s important to look after those who need it.
Purple Llama designed and developed the Paper Cup Project website to help the cause and continue to host, update and moderate the website every day. We also donate to and support the project with full confidence and belief. It’s very special and important that this project continues and grows. It is growing so much that there is now a Paper Cup Project Cafe which is a great success.
The Paper Cup Project is a fantastic organisation that is determined to help those in need so, if you can find it your heart to help in any way, please do get involved as we’re always looking to welcome support and effort in any shape or form. Whether you just donate a quid or two or get out on the streets handing out things to those who need it like our amazing volunteers do, it would go a long way. If you would like to volunteer or donate, please get in touch here: https://papercupproject.org/
The Paper Cup Project
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